Nimo Styles

How Long Does it Take to Embroider a Logo (2024)

how long does it take to embroider a logo

How Long Does it Take to Embroider a Logo depends on many things. These include order size, design difficulty, and type of embroidery.

Thread Logic shines here; they get all orders out in 10 days. If you need it quicker, their Rush Production can get it to you in 6 days, no matter the size.

Embroidery machines can sew between 500 and 1000 stitches a minute. They are great for big orders. But, the kind of clothes makes a difference. T-shirts are faster to do than hats.

The size and complexity of the logo matter too. Bigger and harder logos take more time due to extra stitches and colors.

Key Takeaways

  • Thread Logic promises to ship all orders within 10 days, no matter what.
  • With Rush Production, you can have your order in just 6 days, with a fee based on order size.
  • On average, embroidery machines do between 500 and 1000 stitches a minute.
  • The kind of clothes you want your logo on changes how long it takes.
  • For custom jobs, the time needed can change based on logo details and color choices.


Many people and businesses love embroidery for adding a personal touch to apparel. They often ask, “How long does it take to make a custom logo embroidery?” It’s important to know this, especially for big events or personal needs.

The time it takes to embroider a logo can change based on different things. The logo’s size and detail, the kind of clothes, and the method used (by hand or machine) all matter.

First, you need the right supplies like fabric, thread, and needles to start embroidering. If you’re new, there are tutorials and blogs online that teach you how to start.

You can also find private tutors on websites like Superprof for extra help with embroidery and cross-stitch. Knowing all this makes the process smoother, no matter if you choose hand or machine embroidery.

Factors Affecting Embroidery Time

Knowing what affects how long embroidery takes is key to planning and finishing on time. Things like how many items you need, what they are, and how complex the design is matter a lot.

Order Size

The size of your order really impacts when you’ll get it. Bigger orders mean spending more time on each, just because there’s more to do. If there are 2,000 stitches, it takes about 2.86 minutes. But, with 200,000 stitches, it could take around 286 minutes.

So, how many stitches you have tells you how long it takes. This is true even if you’re rushing, because using machines smartly is essential for big amounts.

embroidered item in production

Item of Apparel

The kind of clothes you’re embroidering also affects time. It’s faster to do simple shirts than hats or bags because they’re not as complex. The best items are thick, like jackets or caps, as they hold stitches well. The hard part comes with light, stretchy fabrics. They need extra care when embroidering.

Logo Size and Complexity

How hard the design is, changes how long it takes. Designs with lots of colors take more time to do. You can use up to 15 colors, but using only three to six keeps things clear and less expensive.

For easy reading, make sure the text isn’t smaller than 0.25 inches. With simple fonts, it can be 0.2 inches. Avoid gradients, as they’re tough to do well. Big logos cost more and might make the item heavy to wear.

How Does the Type of Apparel Affect Embroidery Time?

The type of clothes makes a big difference in how long it takes to do embroidery. Things like shirts made from smooth materials go by fast. That’s because the thread goes on them easily and looks nice.

Thicker fabrics, like those in jeans or bags, take longer. The design needs to get through the rougher material. This can slow things down and make the job harder to finish.

Clothes with lots of parts, like coats, are also tough. They might need extra time to get embroidered right. For example, putting a logo on a cap takes just five minutes because caps are easy to work with. You can do about twelve caps in an hour.

But, for a jacket, it’s a different story. Jackets can be harder and take more time because they have more layers of fabric. Making them look good takes extra effort.

The design size and shape also matter a lot. Big designs or ones that cover a lot of area need more work. They can make the clothes heavier and less comfy. This makes the job longer and maybe more expensive.

But smaller logos are quick to do. They use fewer stitches and are easy on the fabric. This means they might cost less and be ready sooner.

The way you do the embroidery and the kind of thread used can change things too. Setting up a machine takes just a few minutes. This is a lot faster than doing it all by hand, which could take weeks. So, choosing the right method is important.

Using the best tools and getting ready well can help with tough jobs. High-quality designs make embroidery easier. And using fast machines can make a big difference in how quickly the job gets done. This way, the process becomes much smoother.

Machine vs. Hand Embroidery

Embroidery can be done by a machine or by hand. Each has its own good points and challenges. Machine embroidery is fast and great for business. But, hand embroidery shines when making unique, high-quality items.

Machine Embroidery

Machine embroidery works way faster than doing it by hand. Today’s machines can finish a simple design in minutes. Yes, you need to buy the machine first, but the results are always the same.

This is because the designs are already in the machine, so each piece looks perfect. In 2020, the market for these machines in North America was worth about $330 million.

These machines can use several threads, creating very detailed designs. This makes them perfect for making many pieces with lots of details.

machine embroidery speed

Hand Embroidery

On the other hand, doing it by hand takes longer and needs a lot of care. It takes 8-10 hours to make a hand-embroidered piece. With a machine, it’s done in less than an hour. But people really love hand-embroidered pieces for their top quality and special touch.

It’s easy and cheap to start hand embroidery. You only need some basic supplies which are easy to find, even for kids. The long history and unique feel of hand-embroidered items make them very valuable.

Some sell for a lot at auctions. In one survey, 75% of people said they like hand embroidery because it feels real and one-of-a-kind.

Machine and hand embroidery both have their strong suits. Machine embroidery is great for lots of the same design. Hand embroidery adds a personal, artistic touch. When choosing, think about what you want and like.

For more, visit this ultimate guide to heat press vs to learn more about different types of embroidery.

How long does it take to embroider a logo?

Logo embroidery time can vary a lot. It really depends on the design. A small design with 10,000 stitches might take 20 minutes, including trimming.

Machine speed, stitch count, and thread breaks affect the time. Logo stitching time at Thread Logic is usually ten days. But sometimes, it takes longer, depending on the design’s complexity and the number of stitches.

It’s key to know how trims and color changes affect embroidering time. A trim adds about 10-12 seconds. A color change takes 3-8 seconds to do. These make the whole process longer.

Smaller logos with at least 3000 stitches might be quicker than large, complex ones. A 2000 stitch logo can be finished in around 4 minutes if everything goes smoothly.

custom embroidery duration

Getting a custom logo approved takes 7-10 days on its own. The design’s complexity is important. A 1000-stitch design at 700 stitches per minute takes only 1.43 minutes. However, a 100,000 stitch design takes about 143 minutes to complete.

For top-notch logos, consider all these time factors. A shop might say they’ll finish in a week. But, big or complex designs might need more time. Always think about all these details to guess how long your custom logo will take.

Timeline for Different Types of Orders

Know when to expect your embroidery orders, especially in different sizes. Timelines vary a lot based on small or large order sizes.

Small Orders

Orders from 1 to 10 items get done quickly. Let’s say you need a single custom patch. It starts at $65.00. If you buy 10 pieces or more, you save money with wholesale prices.

Hero Patches can finish these on the same day if they’re simple. They’re designed to last through 100 washes without issue. This is perfect for things like small logos or names on clothes.

Large Orders

bulk order embroidery time

Big orders take more time to complete. Deals including 20,000 items are done in five days by Hero Patches using multiple factories. When it’s urgent, they provide a fast-track option.

For detailed designs, they can manage 18 colors smoothly. Even a half-million patch order can be handled well, thanks to smart workflows. Thread Logic offers quick service adjustments based on the size of the order.

Order Size Timeframe
1-10 pieces 1 day to 1 week
10-500 pieces 1-2 weeks
500-20,000 pieces 1-4 weeks
20,000+ pieces 4+ weeks

Understanding these timelines is key. It helps you plan and set the right expectations. For urgent orders, rush services are there to help without cutting quality.

Importance of Skill Level

Skill level is super key in embroidery. Those with lots of experience can finish tough designs quickly. This is because they know all about stitching and how to handle complex logos.

For beginners, figuring out the machine and the patterns can be hard. This makes their work take longer.

On the other hand, experts can manage 500-600 stitches a minute. Some can even do 1,000-1,400 stitches a minute. So, they get things done faster without losing quality.

Knowing different embroidery styles is also a big deal. Using the right machines or doing it by hand affects how fast work gets done. Those with lots of experience, like the pros at The Embroidery Coach, can easily switch between projects.

It’s also about how well you set up the embroidery at the start. Setting up for hats takes about 10-15 minutes. Skilled folks cut this time down a lot, making the actual sewing go smoothly.

At places like A&P Master Images, they stress choosing the best training. They credit their success to learning from The Embroidery Coach. This has improved their business and income.

Buying good embroidery software and machines helps a lot. Along with 30,000 designs, it boosts how much work you can do. This is important for growing your business’s reach.

Average Wait Times from Popular Embroidery Services

Knowing how long embroidery takes can make you ready, especially for quick orders.

Standard Orders

Regular orders from top embroidery places take a known amount of time. For example, Thread Logic tries to finish in 10 days. This includes getting the clothes for 1-5 days and adding your design for 1-2 days.

The time it takes to finish can change based on how big or hard the order is or any special requests. Say it in Stitches aims to be done in 5 days for most orders. They check things a lot to make sure every piece is perfect.

Rush Orders

Need it faster? Rush embroidery is there to save the day. Digital Events is really fast, with one sewout taking only 30 seconds. They have twelve machines for quick work. Usually, quick jobs take about 6 days to finish.

This super fast service is great for tight deadlines, making even quick jobs look top-notch. It makes events more exciting, with people loving the fast and exclusive results.


The time to embroider a logo depends on its size, complexity, and the machine used. Single-needle machines are slow, handling one thread at a time, making them unsuitable for large or intricate designs.

Multi-needle machines are faster, accommodating multiple threads and creating colorful designs quickly. How long does it take to embroider a logo also depends on the type of garment; items like caps or bags require special setups.

Tools and materials, like stabilizers and hoops, influence the process too. Digital design preparation adds to the timeline.

Careful planning is essential for a successful embroidery project. Different shops offer varying quality and speed, so choose based on your needs.


How long does it typically take to embroider a logo?

Embroidering a logo’s time differs. It depends on the order’s size and how hard the design is. Simple designs on small orders take only a few minutes. Yet, big orders with complex designs might need days.

Does the size of the order affect the embroidery timeline?

Yes, the size of an order can make it take longer to finish. This is because more items and stitches are needed. For instance, 50 t-shirts will take longer to embroider than just 10.

Are some apparel items faster to embroider than others?

For sure. Simple items like t-shirts are quicker than hats or bags. The reason is, that t-shirts are easier to work on because of their design and fabric.

How does the size and complexity of the logo impact the production time?

Big and detailed logos take more time to embroider. Simple logos with one color are faster. This is because intricate designs need more work and stitches.

What is the difference in production time between machine and hand embroidery?

Machine embroidery is very fast today. It can finish simple designs in a few minutes. Hand embroidery is slower, taking days or even weeks for complex designs.

How long does it take for popular embroidery services to complete a standard order?

Standard orders are usually finished by Thread Logic in about 10 days. However, the time can change depending on the service and order details.

Can I get my order expedited if I need it sooner?

Yes, places like Thread Logic can rush your order for a charge. This speeds up the process to approximately 6 days or less. The final time, though, depends on the provider and the order’s complexity.

Does the skill level of the embroiderer impact the production time?

Skilled embroiderers are faster and better at predicting how long a job will take. Their skill and know-how help finish projects efficiently and quickly.

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