Nimo Styles

How To Wash Velvet Fabric: 2 Effective Ways!

How To Wash Velvet Fabric

Velvet is a luxurious fabric that adds a touch of elegance to any garment or upholstery. However, many people are not aware of the best methods for washing velvet.

Cleaning velvet can be tricky, as it is a delicate material that requires special care.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of how to wash velvet fabric, including different types of velvet, such as polyester and crushed velvet.

We’ll also cover tips on removing stains and keeping your velvet items looking their best.

Key Takeaways

Always check the care label before washing velvet fabric to determine the best cleaning method and avoid damaging the delicate fibers.

Hand washing with mild detergent is often the safest option for cleaning velvet, while machine washing on a gentle cycle may be suitable for polyester and crushed velvet.

To remove stains from velvet, blot the affected area with a clean cloth, use a mild detergent solution, and avoid rubbing the fabric aggressively.

Steaming velvet on a low heat setting and brushing the pile gently can help remove wrinkles and restore the fabric’s luxurious appearance.

Proper storage, such as using padded hangers, rolling instead of folding, and keeping velvet away from direct sunlight, is crucial for maintaining the fabric’s quality over time.

Can You Wash Velvet Fabric?

Most velvet items can be washed at home, depending on the type of fabric and the care label instructions.

For example, polyester velvet and crushed velvet are often easier to clean than pure velvet made from silk or cotton.

Pure silk velvet should be dry cleaned only to avoid any damage to the delicate fibers.

Attempting to wash silk velvet at home could cause the fabric to shrink, lose its shape, or become discolored.

On the other hand, synthetic velvet and crushed velvet can often be hand washed or machine washed on a gentle cycle.

These types of velvet are more durable and less likely to be damaged by water.

However, it’s always best to check the care label for specific cleaning instructions before washing any velvet item.

Check the Care Label Before Washing Velvet

Before you start cleaning your velvet garment or upholstery, always check the care label for specific washing instructions.

The label will tell you the best way to clean the item and help you avoid damaging the fabric.

If the care tag says “Dry Clean Only,” do not attempt to wash the velvet at home. Take it to a professional dry cleaner who has experience handling delicate fabrics like velvet.

Even if the care label indicates that the velvet can be washed, it’s a good idea to test a small, inconspicuous area for colorfastness before washing the entire item.

This will help you determine if the dye will bleed or fade during the cleaning process.

Supplies Needed for Washing Velvet

When it comes to washing velvet, it’s important to use the right supplies to avoid damaging the fabric. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Mild detergents like Woolite or baby shampoo: These gentle detergents are designed for delicate fabrics and will help clean your velvet without causing harm.
  • Soft cloths or towels: Use a soft, clean cloth or towel to blot stains and absorb excess water during the cleaning process. Avoid using rough or abrasive materials that could damage the velvet.
  • Mesh laundry bag for machine washing: If you plan to wash your velvet item in the washing machine, place it in a mesh laundry bag first.
  • Washing Machine (If you want to use the machine wash method)

This will help protect the fabric from snagging or rubbing against other items in the wash.

How to Hand Wash Velvet Garments?

Hand washing is often the safest method for cleaning velvet garments. Follow these step-by-step instructions for the best results:

Step 1: Fill a sink or basin with cool water and add a small amount of mild detergent, like Woolite or baby shampoo. Use about a teaspoon of detergent per gallon of water.

 Sink With Cool Water and Detergent
Sink With Cool Water and Detergent

Step 2: Gently submerge the velvet item in the water and swish it through the soapy solution. Use your hands to carefully agitate the fabric, making sure the detergent is evenly distributed.

Submerging Velvet in Water
Submerging Velvet in Water

Step 3: Avoid wringing or twisting the velvet, as this can damage the fibers and cause the fabric to lose its shape. Instead, gently squeeze the item to remove excess water.


Step 4: Rinse the velvet thoroughly in cool water until all the detergent is removed. You may need to rinse several times to ensure the fabric is completely soap-free.

Removing Detergent
Removing Detergent

Step 5: Once the velvet is rinsed, gently squeeze out the excess water. Do not wring or twist the fabric. Instead, press the item between two clean towels to absorb the moisture.

Removing Excess Water
Removing Excess Water

Step 6: Lay the velvet garment flat on a clean, dry towel to air dry. Avoid hanging the item, as this can cause stretching and distortion.

Drying Velvet
Drying Velvet

If needed, use a fan to help speed up the drying process, but do not place the velvet in direct sunlight or near a heat source.

How to Wash Velvet Fabric Using Washing Machine?

If your velvet item is made from polyester or crushed velvet, you may be able to machine wash it. However, it’s crucial to follow these steps to minimize the risk of damage:

Step 1: Place the velvet item in a mesh laundry bag. This will help protect the fabric from snagging or rubbing against other items in the wash.

Velvet in Mesh Bag
Velvet in Mesh Bag

Step 2: Set your washing machine to the gentle cycle and use cold water. Hot water can cause the fibers to shrink or become misshapen.

Setting Washing Machine
Setting Washing Machine

Step 3: Add a small amount of mild detergent, such as Woolite or baby shampoo, to the machine. Avoid using regular laundry detergent, as it may be too harsh for the delicate velvet fibers.

Adding Detergent
Adding Detergent

Step 4: Run the wash cycle, making sure not to overload the machine. Velvet items need plenty of room to move around in the water.

Running Wash Cycle
Running Wash Cycle

Step 5: Once the wash cycle is complete, remove the velvet item from the mesh bag promptly. Do not leave it in the machine, as this can cause wrinkling and damage to the fabric.

Removing Velvet From Mesh Bag
Removing Velvet From Mesh Bag

Step 6: To dry the velvet, either lay it flat on a clean, dry towel or hang it on a padded hanger. If hanging, make sure to evenly distribute the weight of the item to avoid stretching.

Drying Velvet
Drying Velvet

Step 7: Never put velvet in the dryer, as the heat and tumbling action can damage the fibers and cause the fabric to lose its plush texture. Always allow velvet to air dry naturally.

Remember, if you’re unsure about machine washing your velvet item, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and hand wash it instead.

How To Remove Stains From Velvet?

Accidents happen, and even the most careful person can end up with a stain on their velvet garment or upholstery. Here’s how to tackle common stains on velvet:

Step 1: Blot the stain with a clean, white cloth as soon as possible. Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can spread it further and damage the velvet fibers.

Step 2: Check the care label to see if there are any specific cleaning instructions for the type of velvet you’re dealing with.

Step 3: If the care label allows, mix a small amount of mild detergent, like Woolite or baby shampoo, with cool water. Dip a clean cloth into the solution and gently blot the stain, working from the outside in to avoid spreading it.

Step 4: For oil-based stains, such as makeup or grease, sprinkle a small amount of cornstarch or baking soda on the affected area. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes to absorb the oil, then gently brush it away with a soft-bristled brush.

Step 5: If the stain persists, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Lightly mist the stained area and blot it with a clean cloth. Be sure to test this solution on an inconspicuous spot first to ensure it doesn’t discolor the velvet.

Step 6: Once the stain is removed, blot the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining cleaning solution. Allow the velvet to air dry completely before using or wearing it again.

If you’re unsure about treating a specific type of stain or if the stain is particularly stubborn, it’s best to take the velvet item to a professional cleaner who has experience working with this delicate fabric.

How to Steam Velvet to Remove Wrinkles?

Velvet is prone to wrinkling, but using a steamer can help remove those wrinkles and restore the fabric’s smooth appearance. Here’s how to steam velvet properly:

Step 1: Fill your handheld fabric steamer with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure to use distilled water to avoid mineral buildup in the steamer.

Step 2: Set the steamer to the lowest heat setting. High heat can damage the velvet fibers and cause them to become flattened or distorted.

Step 3: Hang the velvet garment on a sturdy hanger or place the velvet upholstery in its normal position. Make sure the fabric is smooth and free of any folds or creases.

Step 4: Hold the steamer’s nozzle about 6 inches away from the velvet surface. Gently steam the fabric, moving the nozzle in the direction of the pile (the raised fibers that give velvet its soft, plush texture).

Step 5: Use a soft-bristled brush, like a clothing brush or a velvet brush, to gently brush the fibers in the direction of the pile as you steam. This will help lift the fibers and restore the fabric’s lush appearance.

Step 6: Continue steaming and brushing until all the wrinkles are removed. Be careful not to over-steam the velvet, as this can cause the fibers to become flattened or matted.

Step 7: Once you’ve finished steaming, allow the velvet to air dry completely before using or wearing it. Avoid touching the fabric while it’s still damp, as this can cause new wrinkles to form.

If you don’t have a fabric steamer, you can use a clothes iron on the lowest setting with a clean, damp cloth placed between the iron and the velvet.

However, be very careful not to let the iron directly touch the velvet, as this can cause permanent damage to the fibers.

Storing and Maintaining Velvet Items

Proper storage and maintenance are key to keeping your velvet items looking their best. Here are some tips to help you care for your velvet garments and upholstery:

Brush your velvet regularly with a soft garment brush or a velvet brush. This will help remove dust, lint, and other debris that can accumulate on the fabric’s surface.

Brushing also helps restore the pile and keep the velvet looking plush and luxurious.

When storing velvet garments, use padded hangers to help maintain the item’s shape and prevent creasing. If you don’t have padded hangers, you can wrap the hanger with a soft cloth or use a velvet hanger.

For long-term storage, consider rolling your velvet items instead of folding them. Folding can cause deep creases that are difficult to remove while rolling helps minimize wrinkling and maintains the fabric’s smooth appearance.

Store velvet items in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Sunlight can cause the fabric to fade and weaken over time, so it’s best to keep velvet garments and upholstery out of bright, sunny areas.

If you need to store velvet items for an extended period, place them in a breathable garment bag or wrap them in acid-free tissue paper before storing them in a cool, dry location.

Avoid storing velvet items in plastic bags or containers, as these can trap moisture and cause the fabric to become moldy or mildewy.

By following these simple storage and maintenance tips, you can help your velvet items remain beautiful and luxurious for years to come.

Remember to always handle velvet with care, as it is a delicate fabric that requires gentle treatment.

Storing Velvet Dress
Storing Velvet Dress

How Often Should Velvet Fabric Be Washed?

Velvet fabric should be washed only when necessary, as frequent washing can damage the delicate fibers. Spot clean stains immediately and aim to wash velvet items no more than once or twice a year, depending on usage.

What are Some Common Mistakes To Avoid While Washing Velvet Fabric?

Common mistakes to avoid when washing velvet include using harsh detergents, wringing or twisting the fabric, exposing it to high heat, and rubbing stains aggressively.

Always follow the care label instructions and handle velvet gently to maintain its appearance.

Wrapping It Up

Learning how to wash velvet fabric is essential for keeping your velvet garments and upholstery looking their best.

Whether you’re dealing with polyester velvet, crushed velvet, or pure velvet, always check the care label first and test a small area before cleaning.

Hand washing or gentle machine washing with mild detergent is usually safe for synthetic velvets, while pure velvet should be dry cleaned.

To remove wrinkles, steam the fabric gently and brush in the direction of the pile.

With proper care and storage, your velvet items can remain luxurious and beautiful for years to come.

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